As we welcome in the New Year, many people talk about New
Year resolutions. I prefer to reflect and look forward...
As I reminisce on the past 12 months, I reflect on all I
achieved in 2012; the new faces I met, the mountains I climbed, the challenges
I faced and the memories I created, I would like to thank my nearest and
dearest for their love & support...
Being appreciative is one of the only things we can control
in life. A very special man once told me, when you appreciate what you have
many more things to be appreciative for prosper.
I am appreciative of my dear
family, my closest friends and my health every single day of my life.
I am so appreciative of an amazing 2012 and hope to be the
BEST person I can be in 2013.
I hope to become healthier, spend more time with my loved
ones and ABOVE ALL - I hope to be happy…!!!
Everyone has the ability to change bad habits, the strength
to face challenges. Have faith in your own capabilities and with passion you
will achieve everything your heart desires.
Live for today and don’t wait for tomorrow…
I promise to open my heart and look forward to new
adventures. The challenges ahead will only make the joyous achievements even
more rewarding and meaningful.
Happy 2013 beautiful people…!!!
Buon Anno - Luciana xoxo
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